

Six Word Fridays: Message

I know I'm bad at responding
Because I get a little anxious
Every time I hear beep, beep
Because I hate typing on phones


Heather said...

Typings the worst, I must admit,
but answering it's no cakewalk either.

Melissa said...

telephones are stressful, voicemail or otherwise.

will the kids stay occupied while...
will I forget what I meant...
what I was going to say...
oh nevermind, I'll just email later.

One Photo said...

I don't mind text messages really
I just dislike anyone actually calling
I have never liked talking by phone
So I am a voicemail fan

Belinda Munoz said...

I myself prefer talking in person.
Voicemail sounds garbled, static's no fun.
Unplanned meetings, those are the best.

Sarah said...

Oh that Melissa. She's the best isn't she?

I don't have the brain for a six-word response. So all I'll say is...I'm ashamed to have more patience typing on my phone than I do for my kids. Probably not such a good thing, huh?


Rudri said...

Text messages don't bother me much
Quick response, message conveyed so fast
But sometimes the beep is bad
The constant need to check messages

These six word fridays are challenging, but fun.